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IFHE Newsletter May 2024

logo-ifhe.png23 mei 2024

Greetings To All IFHE Members Worldwide!

Since our last newsletter, your Executive Committee has been very busy working on the legal registration of IFHE and changing our financial institution. To do so we must revise our Statute. The bulk of the work has been completed and when ready the new Statutes will be shared with Council members, and an update will be provided to all members as this progresses.

The planning for our IFHE 2024 Congress in Cape Town continues and is being led by Kevin Poggenpoel (IFHE VP), Petrus Swanepoel (Congress Chair) and their team at the South African Federation of Healthcare Engineering (SAFHE). I look forward to the Congress and returning to Cape Town, October 15th – 17th, 2024. The Congress theme is Patient Centred Healthcare Design. Please participate in the IFHE energy award “Cut the Carbs” IFHE Global Healthcare Carbon Challenge that will be presented to winners in Cape Town.

I would also like you to submit healthcare projects that you have been recently involved with in your country for the IFHE 2024 International Building Award. This prestigious award will also be presented in Cape Town. Please go to for more information on the congress and the awards. Please make plans now and register for this exciting conference. As of today, there are only 191 days until the start of the Congress!

While you are online at you will see a new improved look of our webpage. Thanks to Darryl Pitcher, Gunnar Baekken and others involved in the updating.

We also heard sad news that Harry Waugh, a long-time member of IHEEM and contributor to IFHE passed away recently. Harry was a kind gentleman that actively took part in many IFHE Congresses over the years.  We will all miss him and pass on condolences to his family.

Thank you and please take care.
Steve Rees
President, IFHE
The Council will next meet on Monday 14th October 2024, in Cape Town, hosted by the South African Federation of Healthcare Engineering with the 2024 IFHE Congress.
Executive Committee Update

As reported in our last newsletter the majority of the ExCo's attention during the past quarter has been focussed on establishing IFHE as a legal entity in Switzerland.  A recent updated was provided to all members and this circulation can be found here.

We are also happy to advise that the new-look IFHE website is now live - and we encourage you to take a look around at the resources and information available ... visit - if you would like to contribute material, or advertise your local activities, please send an email to

Gunnar Baekken and Darryl Pitcher.
Joint General Secretaries.
CLICK HERE to head over to the Congress website - the Program is now available and registration is open and includes links to accommodation options that have been reserved for attending delegates.

The IFHE Global Healthcare Carbon Challenge "Cut the Carbs" is open for registration - nominate your healthcare facility for this award, which will include numerous categories.  The goal of IFHE is to encourage a reduction in the carbon footprint of healthcare facilities, and this award will recognise your achievements.

SAFHE will also be hosting the International Building Awards 2024, so please check out the nomination information.  This award will recognise the best in class of any qualifying building project, and will be assessed by an international panel of experts. REGISTER NOW!  

Each IFHE A Member organisation is encouraged to send delegates to the Congress and IFHE Council Meeting, remembering that two (2) delegates can access discounted Congress Registration.  The listed Council representatives will be contacted with the discount code. 
Get involved with the 2024 International Building Award.
The 57th IFHE Council Meeting will be held in conjunction with the IFHE Congress hosted by SAFHE on October 14th 2024.  'A' Member Organisations will be required to submit an annual report and the pro-forma and official meeting notice will be circulated soon.
'A' Member organisations are encouraged to consider hosting the 2028 IFHE Congress.  The invitation can be accessed here

Candidates are required to comply with Section 11 of the Standing Orders relating to the hosting of a Congress which can be downloaded here.

The details and process for submitting a bid are outlined in the Invitation.
IFHE International Carbon Awards Program.

Calling All Carbon!!!
 The past year has been the hottest year in recorded history. The world’s coral reefs are experiencing bleaching, due to the extreme heat of our oceans. The World Health Organization has called Climate Change the defining health crisis of our time.
Each one of us, every day, has the opportunity to make a difference. There are so many ways to reduce our carbon footprint. We would like to start publishing helpful carbon reduction hints, here. If you have accomplishments, please reach out to us, and we will share them with the IFHE Community. CLICK HERE to share your accomplishments - these will be published in future Journals and Newsletters.
But most important, remember to participate in the 2024 IFHE Carbon Awards. The Goal of IFHE is to support you by giving global recognition to every hospital or healthcare building that has reduced its carbon from energy initiatives by 5% or more, over a two-year period. CLICK HERE to email the team who are standing by to assist.
Don’t wait, get started NOW! Click Here
To promote your organisations coming events please share details with the publisher by
The IHS annual conference was held on 12 April 2024 with over 160 participants in the Trafo Halle Baden.

Tomas Bucher, President of the IHS, welcomed guests from Belgium, Germany, France, Italy and Austria.

The nine presentations were considered highly interesting and relevant.  The tea breaks and lunch were held among the 25 exhibitors who supported the event.

The lively dialogue between participants and exhibitors and the delicious catering contributed to a great atmosphere and supported networking and connection.

After the President's farewell, the aperitif riche with bar tables and seating provided a delightful and cheerful conclusion to the 2024 Annual Conference.

The gathering also hosted a meeting of IFHE-EU Executive Committee pictured above, and promoted the 2025 IFHE-EU Congress in Antwerp in May 2025. 
CLICK HERE to read a full report on the HEAJ Congress held in Tokyo in November 2023 to the theme, "Reflecting on the Past and Advancing Together" and a detailed summary of HEAJ activities including a promotion of the coming 2024 Congress.
FSTA is the Danish Federation for Hospital Engineering and Architecture originally established in the early 1970’s as a chapter of the Chartered Master Engineers organization which undertook training and courses directed towards hospital technical facility departments.

In the first four decades memberships where personal and with a requirement that you held a Chartered Master Engineer qualification. Times were changing and a need for a scope adjustment was desirable. By 2011 the organization transformed into its current form where the scope widened into hospital engineering and architecture and importantly the dominant type of membership became hospitals, institutions and companies with an interest in healthcare engineering and architecture. The change of membership structure reduced the administrative burden and significantly increased membership.
The FSTA main activity is the yearly conference – a 2½ day session which is well supported from the various stakeholders around hospital engineering and architecture. Further FSTA runs and facilitates a number of professional networks within trades and technologies related to the FSTA scope.
Details of the Peruvian Association of Architects and Health Specialists can be found by clicking on the links below.
IFHE offers members the unique opportunity to support communities in need in both developing economies and environments distressed by conflict, through our connection with the World Health Organization, and the healthcare organizations they serve.

IFHE has a long history of being in Official Relations with WHO. Today, we are actively supporting WHO in a number of ways including:
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene initiatives in the Solomon Islands;
  • Developing Health Construction Guidelines for Ministry of Health in Ukraine;
  • Collaboration on globally relevant de-carbonisation strategies for WHO;
  • Presenting a statement to the coming World Health Assembly.
CLICK HERE to read more about these activities and to learn how to get involved!
Preparation has commenced on the production of the IFHE Digest 2025.
The editorial committee is still actively seeking submissions of abstracts to include in this highly regarded technical journal.
CLICK HERE for the Guidance Notes for Authors
CLICK HERE for the Suggested Subject List 
Read the 2024 Digest On-line!
Click Here to Subscribe to Future IFHE Newsletters.
To help us communicate with you, please include details of your country and local organisation.

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