Netwerk van technici in de ZORG

Health Tech Event te Eindhoven op 08 december 2016

HealthTech-Event.jpg02 december 2016

08-12-2016, High Tech Campus, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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The 6th edition of the Health Tech Event will take place on December 08, 2016, at High Tech Campus Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

You have only 3 weeks left to take advantage of the Early Bird rate on registration!

What is the conference about?

  • Hospital – Based Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
  • Robotics in Cure and Care
  • Using Photonics in Healthcare

Who will be there to speak and what will they speak about?

Speakers from SoftBank Robotics (formerly Aldebaran Robotics), HealthCare Futurists, Centre for Process Innovation Limited (CPI), Tinybots, Maastricht UMC+, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Achmea, The Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends (STT), University Medical Center Utrecht, Delft University of Technology, PRECEYES, Microsure, will give their opinions and views on the topics of interest.

The titles of the presentations include:

The HealthTech Event will bring new, innovative insights into the latest developments and vivid discussions around the topics of interest. We invite you to take a look at the conference preliminary program for more information about the speakers and their presentations.

Take advantage of the Early Bird rate registration and join us!


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